
These foods also protect against cancer

Cancer is one of the most dangerous disease that is increasing in people day by day. Cancer usually occurs due to many reasons such as lifestyle changes, changes in diet, smoking, drinking, and heredity. Sudden weight loss without any reason and persistent stomach problems are its main symptoms.

After about 30 years of age, it is very mandatory that we do various types of tests so that we can identify diseases. Thyroid cancer and stomach cancer can all be detected through the test itself. Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women today. We can identify breast cancer to a certain extent.

Women should check their breast areas to find out if they have cancer, and if there are lumps or lumps, they should do accurate tests and choose treatment. If there are symptoms, they should look and choose treatment. We can control and prevent disease. If there are any physical problems that persist for some time without changing,.  it is definitely worth paying attention. Cancer is in normal stages and if we recognize it in the early stages, we can control and change it to some extent.

One of the best methods is to adopt a diet rich in antioxidants. Foods rich in vitamin D should be included in the diet and sun exposure. Eat plenty of small fish such as Eat leafy greens, vegetables and eggs. Minimize consumption of red meat. Fasting is very good. Fasting for 16 hours is the most beneficial for health. Pay attention to these things in your lifestyle. To know more, watch the video below.