
These are the symptoms of blood deficiency

Lack of blood is the main cause of many health problems in our body. Headaches, dizziness caused by exposure to the sun, stomach cramps caused by eating, noise in the ears like a bug in the ears, heartburn and many other health problems are due to lack of blood up to 80 percent. Anemia is more common in women.

The main reason is excessive bleeding during menstruation and having two periods in one month. Anemia is also common during pregnancy. Sudden sleepiness and lethargy are other important symptoms of deficiency. Ulcer is a problem seen by more people today. People who have it usually have anemia. But this requires proper treatment.

As soon as it is treated, the anemia can be reversed. Mainly the cause of anemia is due to lack of nutrients in the food we eat. To control or increase anemia we should include good nutrients like eggs meat milk in our diet. Also eating nuts, curd, spinach and leafy greens are very good for our health. Also, only if we eat a lot of chickpeas, peas, and mudira, our body will get the necessary elements.

Try to reduce starchy rice foods as much as possible and replace them with nutritious ones. The cause of blood deficiency should be identified first and then proper treatment and dietary adjustments should be made. If we identify the cause of anemia, we can increase it. If anemia occurs without other causes and there are no other diseases, it is possible to find a solution for anemia by including nutrients in food. To know more, just watch the video below.