
Eating fenugreek like this will melt the bad fat

Most of the people suffer from many problems due to overweight or obesity. The reason for this is the changing lifestyle and diet. One’s weight should be approximately according to one’s height. Traditionally, we are prone to obesity. If we have thyroid PCOD, we can see obesity due to hormonal changes. Most of what we eat is fast food, bakery sweets, oily snacks.

This is the reason for most of the health problems. Eating fermented rice cakes like idli can also cause us to gain weight. Consuming starchy rice foods is the main cause of our weight gain, so rice that contains starch is better. Most people today are sedentary and this often leads to obesity. People with obesity usually suffer from various difficulties like snoring.

pain in the knees and snoring while walking. Obesity should not be taken lightly, it is also the cause of many diseases. Heart-related diseases and liver problems due to fat. Therefore, we must try to reduce obesity by making lifestyle changes. If obesity is caused by working, such people should get up and walk while sitting and working.

Try to exercise at least five days a week. By exercising, we can control most of our health problems. It is better to completely avoid eating bakery oil bars and fast food containing sweet desserts. When eating, you should choose a specific method without eating frequently. If it is in the morning before 8 o’clock and if it is at night before 8 o’clock, the best method is to avoid sleeping during the day and sleep for 7 to 8 hours at night.